How to Install HTML Kit
The following will help you install HTML Kit to your computer. I'm assuming that you're using Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4, 2000 or XP and that you've already taken it upon yourself to
download the HTML Kit setup file.
My suggested settings here are by no means official but rather intended to streamline your HTML Kit installation and get you up and running as fast as possible. This installation tutorial was written on April 28th, 2004 and applies to HTML Kit - build 292.
Installation in a Nutshell
If you're well accustomed to installing stuff to your computer then —in a nutshell— what I describe in the following is to go with all the defaults until you hit the Confirm screen:

Then answer NO to all the questions, start up HTML Kit and create a new file. You will now be looking at something like this:
Screenshot of HTML Kit - Default setup
Bear in mind that I've resized the program window so that the screenshot can fit on this web page.
On the other hand maybe you would prefer...
Detailed Step-by-step Instructions
No problem-o.
Okay then, here we go...
- CLOSE ALL PROGRAMS on your computer and then, beginning at the Start Menu button (bottom left), click on Start » Run » Browse.... Navigate to where you saved your HTML Kit setup file (HKSetup.exe). Click to select it and then click Open on the Browse dialog and click OK on the Run dialog. You will now get a little pop-up dialog saying:

Click "Yes".
- You will now be confronted with HTML Kit Setup Wizard splash screen advising you to close all other programs before continuing. If all other programs are indeed shut down then click 'Next' on the HTML Kit Setup Wizard.
- At the License Agreement screen, read the license and if you agree (of course you do) then click "Yes".
- At the Select Destination screen, you can choose which directory into which you would like to install HTML Kit. The default is
C:\Program Files\Chami\HTML-Kit
. If this is okay with you then this will do fine. Click "Next".
- At the Select Components screen, you can decide on the kind of installation you wish to proceed with. The default is Full Installation (highly recommended). I also recommend this. Click "Next".
- At the Select Start Menu Folder screen, you may choose where to install shortcuts to HTML Kit on your Windows Start Menu. You can always change all these shortcuts later so once again, just go with the defaults and simply click "Next".
- At the Ready to Install screen, click "Install". Your computer will now install HTML Kit. This will take a moment or two.
- Once the installation is complete, you will see a screen saying:
"Setup has finished installing HTML Kit to your computer."
You now have a choice of clicking to check or clear two boxes. The default is:
- Start HTML Kit (box checked)
- Download optional plugins and other add-ons from the web (box cleared)
Leave it like this and click "Finish".
- At the Confirm screen, it will explain:

...and then you will be submitted to a gruelling interrogation spanning several screens. But I'll just give you all the answers right now:
- HTML Kit can associate with HTML files to make it easier...? (Click "NO")
- HTML Kit can auto-detect browsers and HTML editors...? (Click "NO")
- HTML Kit can download links...? (Click "NO")
- HTML Kit can verify if you're using the latest version...? (Click "NO")
- Would you like to take a web tour? (Click "NO")
- You will now be at the Open File Wizard dialog (almost there...)
The Create New File radio button will be selected by default and this will do fine so just leave everything on this screen as is for now. Leave the Don't display this screen again box checked for now. We'll change this option later.
Click "OK".
You're in.
You will now be looking at something like this:
Screenshot of HTML Kit - Default setup
Bear in mind that I've resized the program window so that the screenshot can fit on this web page.
That's some dashboard full of controls, eh?
Don't worry. Hang with me and you'll have this beast trained in no time.
First let's take a close look at the program interface...