Editing Window
When assessing the suitability of an HTML editor, the appearance and handling of the text editing window is usually what makes or breaks it for me since it is the main stomping grounds. Either it must look and handle pretty good to begin with or it must be highly configurable to accomodate my tastes.
With all due respect, I found the default set-up of HTML Kit kind of clunky and cluttered. However, the program wonderfully redeemed itself in the configuration department since it offered all kinds of choices on the handling of multiple document windows, engaging word wrap, turning on and off all the components, setting the HTML color coding and a whole bunch of other stuff. I would have given it a perfect score but for one small glitch with the auto-wrap option.
The following is how I configured everything. If you want details about why I did what, just click on the buttons marked
More Information Please...
Maximize the Editing Window and configure the Task Bar

I personally prefer to work with
Editing Window maximized instead of tiling or cascading windows to handle multiple documents (
more-space-less-clutter). The
Task Bar can easily accomodate the need to switch between open documents. Also, here's a rundown of the Taskbar options on the General tab:
- Display file extensions in task bar
- My preference: [check] (default)
What it does: File names displayed in respective Task Bar buttons are shown with file extensions.
- Highlight Selected Task Bar item
- My preference: [clear] (default)
What it does: Selected button in Task Bar is not highlighted.
- Taskbar Superview
- My preference: [clear]
What it does: Click to check will display full system path to the file in its respective Task Bar button. Click to clear will display just the file name. (Note: Hovering over a file's Task Bar button will display its full system path in Status Bar anyway.)
- Flat Task Bar
- My preference: [check] (default) Flattens buttons for all documents except the one currently showing in Editing Window which will appear depressed. Clearing this box will display the buttons with a raised 3D effect.
- Task Bar icons
- My preference: [clear] ALL (see Figure 1)
What it does: This will clear all the icons off the far left of the Task Bar (a.k.a. the 'Action Box'). I found that these icons were just too teeny tiny to suit my purposes and I could never remember which was which necessitating hovering over each one to read the associated tooltip. Hence I did away with them on the Task Bar and replicated them on a custom-made toolbar with bigger buttons. Also my intent was to maximize the available space on the Task Bar.
- Display Recall Menu (Behavior tab)
- My preference: [clear]
What it does: Clicking on the Recall Menu button (appears in far left area of the Task Bar after using the Tags Wizard) will reveal a drop-down menu containing all the actions invoked from the Actions Bar in the current session. I thought this was a real cool feature until I realized that my Recall Menu list very quickly got very BIG. I decided then that it was better (and more fun) to simply create a plugin or a keyboard shortcut whenever any action came to be so frequently used that I was referring to the Recall Menu for a quicker way to invoke it.
(Click to close)
Click on
Edit » Preferences » General

Click to
check Maximize documents on opening
Click to
clear Task Bar Superview
Click to
clear Messages Window
Click to
clear Actions Bar
Click to
clear Workspace
Go to
Behavior tab on Preferences dialog
Click to
clear Display Recall Menu
Click OK to apply all settings.
Restart HTML Kit.
(If you've been following this tutorial from
the beginning, you don't have to save any 'untitled' documents. If the
Saved modified files... dialog pops up, click
When HTML Kit restarts, just click on
File » New Document
Click on the first icon in the Toolbars section

open a new blank document (assuming that you have followed this tutorial throughout).
You can quickly toggle Full Screen view on and off by pressing F11.
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Engage Word Wrap, remove Right Margin and Gutter

One of my benchmarks for a good HTML editor is how well it handles word wrap. I know of at least two other editors that would have received top marks in my book had it not been for certain annoying bugs or idiosyncracies associated with this option. I'm happy to report that HTML Kit not only handles word wrap very well but also allows you to fine tune it.
Other related options include:
- Show wrap column
- My preference: [clear]
What it does: Does not display a dotted line in the Editing Window indicating the wrap column.
- Mark wrapped lines
- My preference: [clear]
What it does: Does not indicate wrapped lines in the gutter. (The gutter is the gray border running up and down the left side of the Editing Window. The gutter also displays line numbers.)
- Show gutter
- My preference: [clear]
What it does: Does not display gray border on the left side of the Editing Window containing line numbers (the gutter). If you've got a new blank document open in HTML Kit, press and hold on the Enter key on your keyboard for a bit to see the line numbers displayed in the gutter. Personally, I'm only interested in line numbers when I'm validating my HTML code and even then only when the validation process produces errors that I can't readily find (which is not very often).
- Show right margin at column
- My preference: [clear]
What it does: Does not display the line running up and down near the right side of the Editing Window.
(Click to close)
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Editor

Click to
check Wrap at column (0 = autowrap)
In the +/- box next to
Wrap at column (0 = autowrap), enter 90
Click to
clear Show wrap column
Click to
clear Mark wrapped lines
Click to
clear Show gutter
Click to
clear Show right margin at column
Click OK to apply the settings.
(Number for +/- box next to
Wrap at column (0 = autowrap) may vary according to your tastes and screen resolution. I mostly use 800 x 600.)
To quickly toggle word wrap on and off, click on
View » Editor » Word wrap
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Configuring HTML Kit to use HTML format

The default setup for HTML Kit is the XHTML format. For those who don't know, this means that HTML Kit will insert all
empty elements (elements only requiring a start tag, e.g.
, etcetera) into the
Editing Window with a space and a slash '/' just before the closing bracket. To see this in action, just press Ctrl + Enter on your keyboard and you'll see HTML Kit drop in a line break in XHTML format.
Examples of XHTML empty elements:
<br />
<img src="mycoolpic.gif" />
Examples of HTML empty elements:
<img src="mycoolpic.gif">
If you don't know whether you should use HTML or XHTML then read
"HTML or XHTML?" I personally still code using HTML. Some of you hardcore pros can go ahead and call me old-fashioned, living-in-the-past, whatever, but I have my reasons. And I'm not alone. In fact, let's face it... A majority of the web pages out there are still coded in HTML (just surf around a bit and do a random check on the source code of several web pages and you'll see what I mean).
(Click to close)
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Help...
Click to
clear Use XML format -- <tag />
Go to
Format tab of Preferences dialog.
Click to
check Skip optional empty tag token
Click OK to apply settings.
(If you want to see your new settings in action, press Ctrl + Enter on your keyboard to have HTML Kit drop in a line break in HTML format.)
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Modify the Editing Window font

If you've never worked with an HTML editor before (either because you're new to HTML editing or because you've always worked with a
WYSIWYG editor) then seeing color-coded HTML in the
Editing Window may at first be an eye-boggling experience. But believe me, once you start wading around in a thick morass of elements and attributes (and loving it), that color-coding is going to be a life-saver. The great thing about HTML Kit is that all the color coding is highly configurable in that you can specify exactly what gets colored how. Typically,
elements and enclosing angle brackets
are colored
attribute-value pairs are colored
I prefer to have all the text in the Editing Window displayed in
Arial 10pt. bold font style along with the typical color-coded syntax (as described above but with a few personal modifications).
<h3 class="Heading3">Heading text</h3>
I also prefer to have .txt files colorized with HTML color coding because quite often I'll open up a blank .txt file and use it as a kind of 'super clipboard' to cut and paste snippets of code to for future reference. Some HTML editors will detect markup regardless of what kind of file it's kept in and will color code it accordingly. With HTML Kit, however, this feature has to be explicitly set.
(Click to close)
Figure 3 - Screenshot of Editor tab on Preferences dialog
Click on Edit » Preferences » Editor
Click on Editor: Text/Font Color...
After the Font dialog comes up, press the Delete key on your keyboard and in the Font: text box, type in "Arial" (without the quotation marks).
NOTE: Sans-serif fonts like Arial are much easier on the eyes but choose any font you like...
Click OK to apply settings.
You can create your own personalized font file to finetune all the syntactic color coding of the text in the Editing Window. To do this:
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Colors.
Click on an item in the
Element list to select it.
Click on a color swatch in the
Quick Pick box
Click on the
Foreground button.
Select a color for the item in the Pick Color dialog.
If necessary, click OK to apply the setting. (Usually just picking the color will apply the setting.)
Repeat for more or all the items in the Element list.
Repeat the same using the
Background button (only for the adventurous...)
Then, once you have all your settings made...
Click on
Save As.
Type in a file name of your choice and click
Click OK to apply the settings.
Click on
View » Colorizer View
Make a selection in the fly-out list. (Default is
Standard - White)
Click on
Edit » Preferences » File Types » Colorized file types...
- Click inside the list of files in the box beside Text:
- Press End on your keyboard to jump the cursor to the end of the list.
- Locate
(should be second last in the list) and delete it.
- Click inside the list of files in the box beside HTML, XML:
- Press End on your keyboard to jump the cursor to the end of the list.
- Type in
(don't forget the semi-colon).
Click OK to apply.
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Turning off Tags Reminder and Auto-Complete

I'm sure many others will find the Tags Reminder and the Auto-Complete functions very useful but I personally only had one word to describe them.... AAAAAAARRRGGHHH!!!!
HTML Kit contains so many other
no-thinking-required no-experience-necessary instant push button wizards and dialogs that, in my humble opinion, the Tags Reminder is just so much overkill. I dare say that —using the default HTML Kit configuration— you could put together a topnotch web page without ever having to type a single HTML tag.
So after configuring the Favourites Menu and installing a few plugins, if it comes to the point where I have to insert an HTML tag or two the hard way, i.e. by actually putting finger to keyboard and
typing (...Oh my! Run for the hills, ma! It's the end of the world!) then I say just step aside and let me do it. I don't need to be constantly reminded that there might be an 'easier' way.
So away with the Tags Reminder and, of course, the Auto-Complete function, the latter of which I think in any program is one of the most annoying inventions known to the world of computer software.
(Click to close)
To see the Tags Reminder in action, type
and wait a second or two.
To see Auto Complete in action, type
and then press the spacebar on your keyboard. (Click No if the Confirm dialog pops up.)
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Help
Click to
clear Display after (idle time in miliseconds)
Click OK to apply setting.
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Auto Complete
Click to
clear Enable Auto Complete
Click OK to apply settings.
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Allow Undo after save
All I can say about this is I absolutely wanted this option activated. My typical HTML editing session involves a steady flow of entering new stuff, saving the file, previewing, entering more stuff, saving, previewing, etcetera. If my option to undo was wiped out after every save then I would effectively have no undo option (which would in very short order turn me into a basketcase...)
(Click to close)
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Save
Click to
check Allow undo after save
Click OK to apply setting.
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Reload files modified by other programs
Many kudos to the genius who thought this one up. As magnificient as it is, there are still one or two things that HTML Kit can't do but other text editors can. Hence if you want to open another editor and make changes to files that are currently loaded in HTML Kit, you don't have to restart HTML Kit just to get it to open the most recent version of your modified files. And not only that but, by using the prompt option, you can actually get HTML Kit to
tell you whenever files were changed by other programs.
Finally a text editor that keeps its eye on everything...
(Click to close)
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Editor
Click to
check Prompt in the
Reload Externally Modified Files section.
Click OK to apply setting.
NOTE: The file must be saved to disk in the external program before HTML Kit will detect the changes.
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Setting Tabs to 4 spaces and turning off Auto Indent

I found the
online FAQ dealing with tabs and auto-indents a little confusing and I wasn't even sure if the questions I had were directly related to the answers it was providing. So I struck out on my own and just started fooling around with the settings until I figured out how to do what I wanted to do.
In a nutshell, what I wanted to do was to set the tab to four spaces and have the cursor start at the beginning of each line whenever I created a line break from a tabbed line. By default, when you start off a line by pressing Tab (thus indenting that line), if you break to the next line by pressing Enter, the new line will be automatically indented by a tab. At first I thought this was a cool feature when working with CSS files but then realized that I preferred to have it the 'normal' way (no auto-indent).
I also fumbled around quite a bit trying to get the tab to actually use 4 spaces instead of 2 until I realized that the first two tab stops were being set by the default data in the Columns box [3 5].
(Click to close)
This will set all tab stops to 4 spaces and cause the cursor to return to column 1 when you break to the next line (by pressing Enter) from a tabbed line:
Click on
Edit » Preferences » Editor
Click to
check Use Tab character (default setting)
Click to
clear Smart Tab
Click to
clear Optimal fill
Enter 4 in
Tab Stop box
Clear all data in
Columns: box (default setting: 3 5)
Click to
clear Auto Indent
Click OK to apply settings.
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Now just for posterity...
Restart HTML Kit.
Click on the first icon in the Toolbars section

open a new blank document.
Now then, taking into account that I've resized the HTML Kit program screen so that the screenshot will fit on this web page, your 'cleaned up' version of HTML Kit should look something like this:
Figure 4 - Your new HTML Kit desktop
Now let's show this program who's really the boss and break into some advanced configurations...